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Tesla Penetration Testing Project


This project involves a comprehensive penetration testing assessment of Tesla's internal network. The aim was to identify vulnerabilities and assess the potential impact of a security breach on the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Tesla's information systems.


Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Scope
  4. Details
  5. Summary
  6. Recommendations
  7. Conclusion
  8. Result of the Project
  9. Future Scope

Executive Summary

The penetration testing project aimed to replicate the tactics of a malicious actor targeting Tesla, focusing on breaching the internal network and assessing the impact on sensitive data.


Analyzed and tested security vulnerabilities and capabilities of three virtual machines in a test environment using tools such as nmap/zenmap, enum4linux, and the Nessus Vulnerability Scanner.


The scope of the penetration test was limited to three targets within an internal network:



Target 1

  • IP Address:
  • Tools Used: nmap, Nessus, enum4linux
  • Vulnerabilities Found: Ports 80 (HTTP) and 135 (MSRPC)

Nmap SYN Scan Results

The nmap SYN scan results for Target 1 (IP: identified multiple open ports, including ports 80 (HTTP), 135 (MSRPC), and several others. These open ports can be potential entry points for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in the system.

Nessus Scan Results

*The Nessus scan results for Target 1 (IP: identified multiple issues, including vulnerabilities related to SMB and HTTP. These vulnerabilities need to be addressed to improve the security posture of the target system.*

Enum4linux Scan Results

*The Enum4linux scan results for Target 1 (IP: provided detailed information about the target's domain, users, and shares. This information can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities related to user accounts and network shares.*

Target 2

  • IP Address:
  • Tools Used: nmap, Nessus, enum4linux
  • Vulnerabilities Found: Multiple open ports including 21 and 80

Nmap Scan Results

*The nmap scan results for Target 2 (IP: identified multiple open ports, including ports 21 (FTP), 22 (SSH), 25 (SMTP), and 80 (HTTP). These open ports can be potential entry points for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in the system.*

Enum4linux Scan Results

*The Enum4linux scan results for Target 2 (IP: provided detailed information about the target's domain, users, and shares. This information can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities related to user accounts and network shares.*

Nessus Scan Results

*The Nessus scan results for Target 2 (IP: identified multiple critical vulnerabilities, including issues with NFS exported shares and various Unix operating system backdoors. These vulnerabilities need to be addressed to improve the security posture of the target system.*

Target 3

  • IP Address:
  • Tools Used: nmap, Nessus, enum4linux
  • Vulnerabilities Found: RDP Server, IP forwarding enabled

Nmap Scan Results

*The nmap scan results for Target 3 (IP: identified multiple open ports, including ports 22 (SSH), 53 (DNS), 111 (RPCBIND), and 3389 (MS-WBT-SERVER). This scan also provided detailed service and version information, which can help in identifying potential vulnerabilities.*

Nessus Scan Results Summary

*The Nessus scan results for Target 3 (IP: identified multiple vulnerabilities, including medium-severity issues with IP forwarding and RDP. These vulnerabilities need to be addressed to improve the security posture of the target system.*

CVE-1999-0511 Detail

*The CVE-1999-0511 details describe the issue of IP forwarding being enabled on a machine that is not a router or firewall. This vulnerability allows attackers to route packets through the host, potentially bypassing some firewall rules.*

CVE-2005-1794 Detail

*The CVE-2005-1794 details highlight a man-in-the-middle (MiTM) vulnerability in the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. The server uses a publicly known hard-coded RSA private key, allowing attackers to intercept and decrypt traffic.*


The evaluation identified vulnerabilities across all three targets, emphasizing the importance of regular patching, strong authentication procedures, and proactive monitoring.


Target 1

  • Regular patching and updates
  • Use of secure coding practices
  • Implementing strong authentication procedures
  • Intrusion prevention/detection systems

Target 2

  • Regular security audits
  • Implementation of firewalls
  • Limiting external access to necessary devices

Target 3

  • Enforce SSL for RDP services
  • Regular patching and updates
  • Disable IP forwarding


The comprehensive vulnerability assessment conducted on the three designated targets through nmap, enum4linux, and Nessus uncovered critical weaknesses and potential threats within their systems. To minimize these vulnerabilities, the assessment stressed the importance of proactive monitoring, strong authentication procedures, and routine patching.

Result of the Project

The penetration testing project successfully identified and documented several vulnerabilities across the three targeted virtual machines. The key findings included vulnerabilities in HTTP, MSRPC, and RDP services, as well as exploitable open ports. The project emphasized the importance of regular patching, strong authentication procedures, and proactive monitoring to mitigate these vulnerabilities.

Future Scope

The future scope of this project includes:

  1. Automated Penetration Testing: Implementing automated tools and scripts to regularly scan and monitor systems for new vulnerabilities.
  2. Advanced Threat Detection: Using machine learning and AI to predict and detect advanced persistent threats (APTs) and zero-day vulnerabilities.
  3. Security Awareness Training: Conducting regular security training sessions for employees to recognize and respond to phishing and other social engineering attacks.
  4. Enhanced Incident Response: Developing and testing comprehensive incident response plans to quickly contain and mitigate the impact of any security breaches.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Regularly updating and refining security policies and procedures based on the latest cybersecurity trends and threat intelligence.


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